I am trying to set up a deployment on AWS ECS usin...
# deployment-ecs
I am trying to set up a deployment on AWS ECS using Terraform and I have a question regarding security groups. On the image below I see that Dagit and the Daemon do not interact with each other. So Dagit and Daemon both need to be able to reach gRPC and the database but they don’t have to be able to reach each other. Is that correct? And if so, how does the Daemon know when to for example start a job?
Hello @Kay Hoogland, I'm also newbie to Dagster and I'm also currently trying to deploy this to ECS. From my understanding, all the configurations which we do via dagit (UI), it is persisted in DB (local/RDS). Daemon polls DB in regular interval and does the job
Check, that is what I assumed was happening. Thanks Partha!
Can confirm that Partha’s understanding is correct!
👍 1