Hi! Is there any documentation on how to configure...
# deployment-ecs
Hi! Is there any documentation on how to configure the EcsRunLauncher to use an existing task?
https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/5e1236c8b8b5129ebf4cbf45e4ed3f98caaa0820/python_modules/libraries/dagster-aws/dagster_aws/ecs/launcher.py#L54-L62 You can configure it to run with an existing Task Definition by passing the Task Definition ARN (or just the family - it’ll grab the latest revision). There are some not very well documented constraints around the Task Definition - for example, it currently can only run with a launchType of Fargate and a networkMode of awsvpc: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/5e1236c8b8b5129ebf4cbf45e4ed3f98caaa0820/python_modules/libraries/dagster-aws/dagster_aws/ecs/launcher.py#L54-L62 If you want it to run inside an already existing Task, you probably don’t need the EcsRunLauncher at all since its purpose is to launch new tasks. Instead, you could use one of the existing run launchers like the DefaultRunLauncher.