Hey, I've set up my ecs task definition which prov...
# deployment-ecs
Hey, I've set up my ecs task definition which provides a task role for the containers to have access to S3. Now when I run a pipeline with the following solid it seems to get stuck and not read anything?
Copy code
    'file_key': Field(str, is_required=True, description="Path from bucket to file i.e. data/raw/smmt_raw.csv"),
    'bucket': Field(str, is_required=True, description="Bucket name i.e. data-team-staging")
def read_from_s3(context) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """read_from_s3 will load csv from s3.

        file_key (str): Path from bucket name to csv.
        bucket (str): Bucket name located in s3.

        (DataFrame): loaded csv as a pandas DataFrame.
    # Get response
    resp = context.resources.s3.get_object(
        Bucket=context.solid_config["bucket"], Key=context.solid_config["file_key"])
    # As dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv(resp['Body'])
    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>(f"Columns of dataframe: {df.columns}")
    return df
It just simply reads in the csv saved from a bucket defined by its bucket_name and key. It works locally fine. Obviously locally its reading from my
but I suppose the container wouldn't need any of these credentials because its already got an IAM role? Or is there another config I need to set?
Cross-linking to the same discussion in #dagster-support for transparency (in case anybody sees this question here and not there) https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U954MEER/p1623334006103200?thread_ts=1623326983.098200&amp;cid=C01U954MEER