Hi everyone! At the start of 2020 I was trying to ...
# community-showcase
Hi everyone! At the start of 2020 I was trying to crawl out of the hell that was managing dozens of small-to-medium sized python jobs, scheduled with Windows Task Scheduler (laugh cry) . Today, about 18 months since my first commit on this project, I can say I was able to put a bit of order to this chaos. Dagster played a major role in that and I've learned a lot in the process. This screenshot hopefully will give you a glimpse of the heavy use Dagster has been put through in my organization (running on a t3.medium). Big thank you to everyone at <!subteam^S017AHZGB5Y|@elementl-team> and everyone that has contributed to this project!
😲 1
👏 27
❤️ 5