Any idea when <
# dagster-feedback
Any idea when will be implemented? Can't really call the service Enterprise ready if something needs to be hacked together or other services paid for so their is basic Auth and RBAC.
Web UI authentication might not be a MVP feature of Dagster/Dagit and so its better to provide an authentication layer via NGINX web server in front of it.. Loadbalancer -> nginx -> dagit and nginx can do auth for you
We know that however Airflow, which we would be migrating from, has auth and most other DAG based orchestrators have some sort of authentication versus having to manage it via Nginx (Which isn't infallible either). It's also somewhat unreasonable to ask people to stand up either more infrastructure or external services (thus increasing spend), on top of what is required to run dagster.
Yes, I agree. I guess its all driven by the urgency and consumers of the tool