I got some feedback about the helm chart. First of...
# dagster-feedback
I got some feedback about the helm chart. First of all. Thanks for having one 🙇. Now to the feedback: • I had some error for "null" version tags. Maybe set them to "latest" where possible by default? • Due to docker download rate limit we use a registry (Harbor) with proxy cache. When trying to get postgres image over registry, dagster-deamon and dagster-dagit pod run into an error due to image pulling. This error is correct but is only due to some dependancy in the helm chart. My guess: the helm chart does not check "repository + registry" for those pods but does so for some other pods.
Hi Michael - were the version tags errors happening when running the helm chart from source locally? Or when installing it using the guide here? https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/kubernetes/deploying-with-helm#install-the-dagster-helm-chart
and is it possible to post the full text of the image pull issue you're describing in the second bullet?
Hi @daniel, 1. The version tag error happened with the helm chart. I did not test it locally though. 2. See Screenshots. The postgres pod is running which means he pulled the image correctly. I added the helm chart values. This is the one which leads to an error. If I replace
on line 205 by docker.io and delete the "registry_cache" on line 206 it works. Hope this helps 😄
Got it - could you post the text of the null version tag error for #1? If you're installing the helm chart from the published chart that sounds unexpected
The null version tag error comes mainly from the
. Per default he tries to use a version tag "0.0.1-dev" which he can not pull. Error in screenshot. Maybe the default should just be set to "latest" ?
Ah, thanks for the details, that does sound like a bug in the chart. It's a US holiday today but will follow up tomorrow when everybody's back in the office
Are you referring about both or just the "null version tag error" ?
Hey Michel - you should be able to put your registry prefix in under any
value if you want to pull from a custom registry. For example for
, you can set this to
Looks like we have an
field, but that’s not being templated anywhere.. I believe this is an oversight, we’ll remove this field
https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/6744 should resolve the confusion above. We also have another fix for the version tag - it should default to the
chart version instead of
Nice, Thanks @rex! Worked like a charm 😉 Great reaction time and support from the whole team, keep it up 🙇🎉
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