Hi there! Is there a way to configure a default ex...
# dagster-feedback
Hi there! Is there a way to configure a default execution config that would be used for all pipelines unless specified? It would be great to be able to trigger new pipelines from the launchpad in dagit without having to copy-paste the execution config (which, for the celery broker, contains the redis connection string, including its password, in clear).
For the redis connection string, could you use a
config type to read the value in from an environment variable? https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/config#dagster.StringSource For setting the default execution config, I believe you can use config mapping and pass it into every job so that you don’t need to provide the fully resolved config document: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/ops-jobs-graphs/jobs-graphs#config-mapping
Thanks for the insight! I will look into supplying a