hey, im a developer, i dont know how to use k8s or...
# dagster-feedback
hey, im a developer, i dont know how to use k8s or helm and i would like to deploy a schedueled job with a dagster dagit interface on a single ec2 instance, is there a guide on how to do it?
why not just run
from the command line shell on your instance? guide here: <https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/service>. do you need k8s or helm? you may be able to get away with the default run launcher (same node, new process) for your job.
❤️ 1
@Donny Winston that guide could be improved by adding the how-to on making the dagit as a long-running service. From the look of it, dagit is a Flask server, so some guide on how to run it with uwsgi which allows for multiple workers configuration, would be helpful. The same as dbt docs server.