Hello team! I'm getting GraphQL error with message...
# ask-community
Hello team! I'm getting GraphQL error with message "Message: (psycopg2.OperationalError) SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected" Do you know what may be the reason?
Hi Mykola, Could you please provide a little more information? When do you see this error?
Hi @sean. The symptoms look like https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/8462 I'm trying to investigate the reasons for the issue, but I'm not sure yet. This is what I have so far: during the execution some job that uploads data to an RDS postgresql database fails with
SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected
error. During that time the same error appears on all requests to the internal dagster database. It looks related to some RDS internal flaw, because databases are separate. But the ticket makes sense: would be great if dagster overcome connection interruption errors somehow. @Caleb Fornari fyi
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