After a ton of code refactoring and updating to da...
# ask-community
After a ton of code refactoring and updating to dagster 1.0.8 (probably not a good idea to change so much at once in hindsight, since I can’t isolate the change now), I noticed the “launchpad” tab in my (graph-backed-asset-) job disappeared from dagit, despite the job (and asset) requiring a config. The asset job is created with
define_asset_job(name="foo", selection=AssetSelection.keys(AssetKey(asset_key)).downstream(), config=my_cool_config)
. The job runs just fine and materializes the asset, passing the config to ops and resources as I expect it to, but it reduces observability a lot if I can’t check what config is being passed. Is this a bug? Something I’m missing?
🤖 1
Hi Vinnie, looking into this for you now-- are you able to post your repo defn/asset graph or is it too large?
Thanks Sean, I’ll DM you