Hi everyone, I am trying to understand how jobs ar...
# ask-community
Hi everyone, I am trying to understand how jobs are updated in dagit when dagster is deployed in kubernetes. I have two deployments(in the YAML definition of my Dagster Kubernetes deployment) : one for master branch, the other for test . It seems like the job definitions are not updated after a commit to the branches (there is a ci/cd pipeline that builds the image and push it automatically to a container registry) however it seems like the code of ops constituting the jobs are updated since the imagepolicy is set to always. I am wondering if this is how Dagster is intended to work on Kubernetes, or it is it a bug or a misconfiguration ?
🤖 1
Hi @noureddine - you're going to want to update the image tag used by your dagster user deployments when your code changes (or restart the user deployments if the tag is the latest tag). If you redeploy those user code deployments with the new tag the changes you made should be picked up in Dagit automatically. You can avoid the problem that you mentioned where the ops are out of sync with the job definitions by using a tag other than the latest tag.
@Dagster Bot docs CI/CD example using the Dagster helm chart
thanks 🙂