like for example i want dbt model to run after a p...
# ask-community
like for example i want dbt model to run after a python script is finished
hi @Alan Dao! Based on the comment that there's no ref or source associated with this python script, it sounds like the python script isn't populating a table or anything that dbt is consuming, is that right?
Is there any sort of data dependency between whatever this python asset is doing and what dbt is doing?
Can be yet and no, i just cannot find a way to define python upstream for dbt asset
o will work if there is a data dependency
I see, so if i define say, pseudo data it still a workaround?
yes, but i believe you'll need to use that source in at least one dbt model — you can do that without changing the model's functionality by just adding a comment in the sql file that references the source (like with
@owen is the parser still work for the comment line
i'm pretty sure it does for the dependency bits (i think it worked that way for me in the past), but not 100%
@owen i just realize that all the examples are in airbyte assets load, do you have one example how to do that in python
nvm done that