Is there a generic sensor library for Dagster, for...
# ask-community
Is there a generic sensor library for Dagster, for things like SQS etc? We're looking at using SQS to simplify some of our jobs from schedule based to notification based (when X happens, trigger a dagster job, etc). I see there are Maybe I could contribute to the docs with more examples/cookbooks for example sensors like these?
@Josh Taylor most of our examples live in the docs like you linked or in the
folder of our gh repo. @yuhan have you thought at all about including a section for users to share different cookbook examples of things like sensors or resources?
@Josh Taylor plz feel free to submit a PR to contribute to the docs, or you can also start a github discussion to share examples. contributions are very much welcomed!
👍 1
I do have thought giving more love about community contributions in general which includes sections like ^ but no concrete plans yet. so meanwhile, plz feel free to use github discussions if you have anything to share with the community or get feedback from us or the community blob smiley