Error messages. I'm getting this error but none of...
# ask-community
Error messages. I'm getting this error but none of it is very helpful. Where is this location? What does the Path refer to? What is OpsRootQuery`?
Copy code
Operation name: OpsRootQuery

Message: 'TypedPythonDict.String.String'

Path: ["repositoryOrError","usedSolids",7,"definition","outputDefinitions",0,"type"]

Locations: [{"line":31,"column":5}]
Hey Alexander - what's the context where you're getting this error? It's definitely a rough one
i stack trace is also not much more informative, but looks like a type error of some kind. but where in my code is a mystery
Copy code
An error occurred while resolving field OutputDefinition.type
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/graphql/execution/", line 452, in resolve_or_error
return executor.execute(resolve_fn, source, info, **args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/graphql/execution/executors/", line 16, in execute
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster_graphql/schema/", line 91, in resolve_type
return to_dagster_type(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster_graphql/schema/", line 36, in to_dagster_type
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/snap/", line 55, in get_dagster_type_snap
return self.all_dagster_type_snaps_by_key[key]
KeyError: 'TypedPythonDict.String.String'
what are you actually doing when this is happening? Is this just on loading dagit?
actually, thats in Dagit. The error seems to be in the user code which is running as a grpc continer
still, confusing error message
thanks for the help anyway
yea that's definitely rough - what was the user code error? It looks like something slipped through the cracks in the graphql endpoint that ended up causing additional nonsense to occur
actual error is
AttributeError: 'SensorEvaluationContext' object has no attribute 'log'
the new code is a sensor i'm trying to write so i guess all the bugs are in there as I haven't figure out how to debug an SQS queue sensor locally
that is super weird
i almost wonder if they're unrelated
I guess the error could be from something unrelated but that is the only obvious thing i can see right now
I see. well, glad you got it working. Will be keeping an eye out for related stuff in the future
👍 1
haven't fixed it yet, but will
ummm, how does one log in a sensor?
oh wait - i totally missed what you were trying to do. That isn't supported yet 😅 😅 😅 one of our top upvoted issues, and something that is on the roadmap
aH! I just assumed the sensor context would have the same log method as the Op context. my bad
it's an understandable mistake
i fixed that error and the Dagit error persists :?
yea I'm wondering if there's something wrong here with snapshots / communication between user code and dagit
what's your setup look like? Are you running different versions of dagster in user code and the webserver?