Is there already an issue fix for dagit oddities w...
# ask-community
Is there already an issue fix for dagit oddities when multiple repositories provide jobs with the same names? (perhaps related to So far, I'm seeing a few cosmetic issues on the main job page/launchpad, where the schedule shown at the top is correct, but the latest run doesn't restrict itself to that repository and is grabbing runs of the same job name from other repositories
forgot to mention: running 1.0.3
Ah, looks like assets are also affected - for jobs that materialize assets, the "View __ assets" button has popped up and points to the job from another repository
The timeline view is behaving oddly as well for job history, in the exact same way - it's displaying a row per job/repository, and then pulling all past runs based on only job
@prha @dish - did you make a fix related to this recently?
Let me know if you need more details or new issues created.
I don’t think I have made a fix related to this recently, unfortunately
Need me to create a new issue then? fwiw, not that big of an unfortunately for us - all of the functionality is clearly working correctly on the backend. it'll be great to get those frontend fixes in, but they're not blocking us from using this job/repository strategy...which is much easier to work with than what we had previously
@Ben Gotow thoughts on this?
Was there a verdict on whether creating a new issue would be helpful or not?