So i am not sure whether this is an dagster or dbt...
# ask-community
So i am not sure whether this is an dagster or dbt issue, but since moving to dagster cloud i am getting following error when running any dbt command:
Copy code
load_and_parse_macros block = FileBlock(self.manifest.files[file_id]) KeyError: 'dbt_<redshift://macros/relations.sql>' Encountered an error:
Anyone experiencing similar?
hi @Frederik Hagelund! haven't seen this before, but it's possible this is coming from the dagster side. Are you using
or just regular ops? Also what versions do you have installed of
, and
Hi Owen. I am just using Regular ops. Dagster-dbt is 0.16.2, dbt-core and dbt-redshift is 1.2.0, dagster is 1.0.3
got it -- I think in that case it's somewhat unlikely for this to be coming from dagster's side, as the op really does just execute a dbt command directly. are you able to run dbt locally without issue? you can see the exact dbt command that dagster's running in the logs.
Yes when i run it locally everything works fine. I see the dbt command, but i it is really hard to debug when it only happens in dagster cloud.