I find surprisingly when materialize a single asse...
# ask-community
I find surprisingly when materialize a single asset (e.g.
in full_featured_example) I have to provide run_config for all other assets even they are neither up/down-stream of
. In the full_featured example all `op`s do not have a
. However, once any one
has a schema, then you'll have to enter it regardless of what asset you want to materialize. This is likely not a desired behavior. <!subteam^S02T7CMRSE4|@dagster-cloud-support>
🤖 1
I could give another example using the
example in tutorial: See below right side is asset definition and left side is launchpad for `nabisco_cereals`: •
requires a config named
does not depend on
at all • However, materializing
complains about missing required config
Also what's hilarious is if I do enter
config then at run time it complains it as an unexpected config
hey @William - I just tried reproducing this with this code snippet, but wasn't able to:
Copy code
import csv

import requests

from dagster import asset, repository, load_assets_from_current_module, define_asset_job

def cereals():
    response = requests.get("<https://docs.dagster.io/assets/cereal.csv>")
    lines = response.text.split("\n")
    return [row for row in csv.DictReader(lines)]

def nabisco_cereals(cereals):
    """Cereals manufactured by Nabisco"""
    return [row for row in cereals if row["mfr"] == "N"]

@asset(config_schema={"a": str})
def cereal_protein_fractions(cereals):
    For each cereal, records its protein content as a fraction of its total mass.
    result = {}
    for cereal in cereals:
        total_grams = float(cereal["weight"]) * 28.35
        result[cereal["name"]] = float(cereal["protein"]) / total_grams

    return result

def highest_protein_nabisco_cereal(nabisco_cereals, cereal_protein_fractions):
    The name of the nabisco cereal that has the highest protein content.
    sorted_by_protein = sorted(
        nabisco_cereals, key=lambda cereal: cereal_protein_fractions[cereal["name"]]
    return sorted_by_protein[-1]["name"]

def repo():
    return [load_assets_from_current_module(), define_asset_job("yoyo")]
would you be able to share the code you're using?