Does anybody had a problem like this: when I run m...
# ask-community
Does anybody had a problem like this: when I run my code with dagit -f, it works properly and creates tables/users from SQL Code in target database, however when I run the same code in Docker container (using Docker Executor) it returns as positivie (green) but nothing happens on DB. Any clues how to debug it?
Hi Mike - did you configure a storage like Postgres in your dagster.yaml? Without that it will write to the local filesystem in the container, but won't be accessible outside of the container
Yep, I have Postgres database spinning out with Dagster and set as it's storage, pipelines are generating event_logs to database, marked as success 🤣
Although they'are doing nothing... While local version does the job and creates simple 'roles' on target server
I'm not totally following - could you share more details about the problem? What's returning as positive and how are you checking that nothing is happening on the DB?
I have a in company SQL Server and my own code (used in previous ETL's) for working with Pandas and SqlServer and it works okey. When I use the code locally with 'dagit -f' it creates schemas, roles etc as I coded it in ops / jobs. However, when I run it from my docker compose stack, configured as docker image, it returns 'as green' but it doesn't execute anything, does nothing.
For repo, I use the same code for both
What does ‘as green’ mean exactly?
Like if I wanted to reproduce the problem myself, what steps should I take?
The 'green' - a shortcut for a success, positive execution, as for both dagit and docker runs return positive, Dagit run creates / executes codes as normal, while Docker one does return positive execution but it isnt
Yeah, that would be hard for you too, reproduce that I think
I might share the mock code, without DB Credentials