Hey all, I have a k8s agent that is still running ...
# ask-community
Hey all, I have a k8s agent that is still running dagster 0.15.0. Is it important to update it? How do I do that? I think it's not in the documentation, thanks!
Hey yang - the same helm upgrade command that you ran to install the agent will also upgrade it if you update the helm repo as shown here: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/deployment/agents/kubernetes/configuring-running-kubernetes-agent#step-3-start-the-agent
ok gotcha!
oh I ran that command, but the version went backwards I think? "0.14.15"
oh it updated now "version": "1.0.1" that was weird. probably just needed to run this first
Copy code
helm repo update
Yeah sorry, that was the "if you update the helm repo" part
oops, missed that, thanks!