Hi all, I’m still new to Dagster and I have 2 ques...
# ask-community
Hi all, I’m still new to Dagster and I have 2 questions to getting serial. Q1: From the docs I can see that for
elements it’s easy to get serial (link). In my specific case I’m looking for: • getting serial when running .ipynb files For example:
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import dagstermill as dm
from dagster import job

download_data = dm.define_dagstermill_op(

prepare_data = dm.define_dagstermill_op(

        "output_notebook_io_manager": dm.local_output_notebook_io_manager,
def dagster_main():
This is small example for illustrational purposes. The last line will not work because prepare_data can’t take any arguments. It just for illustrational purposes to show that prepare data will depend on download_data. Would it be possible to make this serial in some way? Q2 For ops I can see it’s possible to get a dataflow going from one step to another. Would that dataflow be possible when working with ipynb files? I can imagine this is a challenge as a ipynb file is not returning a value. And ideas here?
hi @Stefan Samba ! Dagstermill does support adding inputs and outputs to the ops you create with
, using the
arguments, which I think is what you want here. For more info on passing output data from an op, see: https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/dagstermill#results-and-custom-materializations
Thanks @owen! Appreciate your help. Would there be a code snippet available somewhere. Im still struggling a bit to get the data from notebook 1 and pass it notebook 2. I found this thread, which seems like a similar use case. Are you aware of some examples/ code snippets?
@claire Any chance you have an idea? I’ve noticed you got some posted some ideas related to dagstermill
So far I’ve got the following, but it remains a challenge to: • get the result of notebook 1 and pass it to notebook 2 • log the incoming result in notebook 2 job.py
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from dagster import In, Out, job
from dagster.utils import script_relative_path

import dagstermill as dm

load_data = dm.define_dagstermill_op(
    outs={"numbers": Out(list, description="list of numbers")}

read_data = dm.define_dagstermill_op(
    ins={"load_data_output": In(list, description="test data", default_value=[9,9,9])}

        "output_notebook_io_manager": dm.local_output_notebook_io_manager,
def main_job():
    result = load_data()
1. load_data.ipynb
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import dagstermill as dm

result = [1,2,3,4]

context = dm.get_context().<http://log.info|log.info>(f"Load_data - results: {result}")

# Yield the results and give it the name "numbers"
# this should allow passing the data downstream to a next step
dm.yield_result(result, "numbers")
2. read_data.ipynb
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import dagstermill as dm

# Logs an dummy string  
dm.get_context().<http://log.info|log.info>("Logging works here")

# How to load/retrieve the numbers result from previous notebook?
# context = dm.get_context()
Hi Stefan. You just need to directly reference the input name specified in the dagstermill op. So in this case:
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read_data = dm.define_dagstermill_op(
    ins={"numbers": In()},

##### IPYNB
import dagstermill as dm
Thanks, just got an example working. Appreciate your help.
Ended up writing an article as setting it up took way longer than expected. https://medium.com/@stefan-samba/dagstermill-passing-notebook-results-downstream-in-3-steps-58c22d360f89
This is an awesome post Stefan! Agree that our documentation could definitely be improved as it took me a while to figure this out too. If you get the chance, you could share it in #dagster-showcase since other users would probably be interested too
👍 1