Hi team, for migrating dagit & daemon from 0.1...
# ask-community
Hi team, for migrating dagit & daemon from 0.14 to 0.15, it’s not mentioned here to run
dagster instance migrate
. I am wondering if we could skip running that migration for this upgrade please?
🤖 1
(context: our helm & k8s deployment are managed systematically and it’s significant overhead for us to do
dagster instance migrate
cc @claire and @daniel who helped with our migration before:)
Hi Hebo. Yes that's right--you do not have to run
dagster instance migrate
to upgrade from 0.14 to 0.15.
Thanks Claire!! This is AWESOME!! We could just go from 0.14.5 to 0.15.6 directly by updating the version in Helm chart? (We use Helm K8s deployment)
Hmm... in 0.14.8 we fixed a bug where schedules/sensors got out of sync between Dagit and Dagster-daemon. If you're running into this bug, you may have to run
dagster instance migrate
But if you're not running into this bug, you don't have to run the migration.
I see. We didn’t run into the problem that schedules / sensors getting marked as “Unloadable” in Dagit. However, we have seen instances where disabled sensors auto turn themselves on again. Is it the same issue that needs to run migration please?
I'm not sure, asking the team now
Nope--this issue does not require migration. The issue where sensors auto turn themselves on is resolved in 0.14.15
celebrate 1
Great! Thanks again Claire! This is awesome!
🌈 1