I'm looking at various Dagster projects for inspir...
# ask-community
I'm looking at various Dagster projects for inspiration on Github. However even repos that have 1 year old seem to be outdated. Just to clarify: • Solids -> are now -> Ops • Pipeline -> is now -> Job Is that right?
👌 2
🤖 1
I did not know this! Can someone confirm, please? I am trying dagster for the first time and I find it really complex, even by trying the example projects it's still confusing 🥲. Maybe it's also because of this asimmetry...
Hi @Lorenzo, I digged this a bit longer, and there is a whole section about Legacy in the doc. You can read "As of Dagster 0.13.0, we recommend Ops as an alternative to Solids." in https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/solids And also "As of Dagster 0.13.0, we recommend using Jobs as an alternative to Pipelines." in https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/pipeline Hope it helps
❤️ 1
Thank you so much @Hassen! 😁