Hello, I want to run a job with configuration file...
# ask-community
Hello, I want to run a job with configuration file from dagit, how do I do that ? and how do I do that from python ?
To run a job w config sourced from a yaml file, you can use the cli command
dagster job execute --config my_config.yaml
https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/configuration/config-schema#command-line in dagit you have to enter the config yourself in the launchpad, but you could use the
api to set default config for a job based on the values in a yaml file https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/configuration/configured
by using the cli command
dagster job execute --config my_config.yaml
, how does it know which job to run ? In dagit, if I run a job need a config by using
dagit myjob.py
Im getting an error, since it needs configuration. Using
api is for cases of constant config and it not what I need in my case. so how do I send a configuration to dagit ?
if you use
dagster job execute
you can specify the job in a number of ways, you can run
dagster job execute --help
to see all of your options. In dagit you have two options - either use the configured api (which will set constant config) or enter config in the launchpad (more docs)