I have a Docker Dragster agent running on an EC2 o...
# ask-community
I have a Docker Dragster agent running on an EC2 on AWS, but I'm getting the following error: (if I manually pull the image, the deployment works)
🙁 1
🤖 1
its a private image on AWS ECR
Hi Lucas - you may need to mount the Docker credentials (often stored in
) into the agent Docker container as part of the
docker run
command that starts up the docker agent:
Copy code
--volume ~/.docker:/root/.docker
I'm already doing this blob sad
Is that where your docker credentials are being stored?
what did you do to authenticate so that docker pull would work locally
One thing you can try to temporarily unblock at leasts is run your agent locally rather than in a Docker container, via something like this:
Copy code
dagster-cloud agent run \
  --deployment prod \
  --agent-token "agent:hooli:lbpsyhtauqqfu24ae2brz2fsbxmjwr6y" \
  --user-code-launcher "dagster_cloud.workspace.docker.DockerUserCodeLauncher"
Finally got it to work, I had to manually access the Dagster Agent container and add my AWS credentials