hi, we're slowly adding assets to our graphs/jobs ...
# ask-community
hi, we're slowly adding assets to our graphs/jobs this passes dagit reload
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@graph(out={"trainline": GraphOut()}, config=prod_config)
def trainline():
    trainline_write_prod = write_to_prod.alias("trainline_write_prod")
    trainline_write_prod_create_geom = create_pg_geom.alias(

    return trainline_write_prod_create_geom(pg_table_name=trainline_write_prod())

trainline_asset = AssetsDefinition.from_graph(trainline, resource_defs=resource_defs)
however, when trying to "materialize" the table, I got
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# You hit an unexpected error while fetching data from Dagster
Operation name: LaunchAssetLoaderQuery

Message: 'GrapheneAssetNode' object has no attribute 'get_required_resources'

Path: ["assetNodes",0,"requiredResources"]

Locations: [{"line":33,"column":3}]
it's not critical on our end, but would be good to know if this is an actual bug 🙂
Thanks for the report. We’re working on a fix which should go out in this week’s release.