Hi everyone, we are currently evaluating some alte...
# ask-community
Hi everyone, we are currently evaluating some alternatives to our current workflow management (AWS Step Functions), as Dagster seemed a good fit I'm still confused about the integration with other services Eg; We got tons of AWS batch, in Airflow world there is AWS batch operator, but whats the equivalent in Dagster ?
Hi Yefet. I’m not as familiar with the workflows using AWS Batch, but it looks like the airflow BatchOperator is a wrapper around boto to submit and wait for jobs. It doesn’t seem to difficult to adapt the
library to encompass that functionality, but I’m having a hard time imagining what the development and operational workflow looks like. Can you describe what the ideal orchestration workflow looks like?
@prha Thank you for the answer, perhaps this is something I can help with? Also for my initial question the team prefer a fully managed service, and the one from dagster seem to be early access, what's the current state so far?
Yes, would definitely encourage contributions to the
if you are up for it. Re: Dagster Cloud, yes there’s a waitlist for early access but you should definitely keep watch in the coming weeks for any changes to that.