I’ve been running through some graphql errors on t...
# ask-community
I’ve been running through some graphql errors on the interface, and I’m wondering if I’m doing something weird.
Copy code
Operation name: InstanceOverviewInitialQuery

Message: (mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError) 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(PARTITION BY runs.pipeline_name ORDER BY runs.id DESC) AS `rank`
FROM runs
WH' at line 2
[SQL: SELECT subquery.id, subquery.run_body, subquery.create_timestamp, subquery.update_timestamp, subquery.start_time, subquery.end_time
FROM (SELECT runs.id AS id, runs.run_body AS run_body, runs.create_timestamp AS create_timestamp, runs.update_timestamp AS update_timestamp, runs.start_time AS start_time, runs.end_time AS end_time, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY runs.pipeline_name ORDER BY runs.id DESC) AS `rank`
FROM runs
WHERE runs.pipeline_name IN (%(pipeline_name_1)s, %(pipeline_name_2)s, %(pipeline_name_3)s, %(pipeline_name_4)s)) AS subquery
WHERE subquery.`rank` <= %(rank_1)s ORDER BY subquery.`rank` ASC]
[parameters: {'<redated>'}]
(Background on this error at: <http://sqlalche.me/e/f405>)

Path: ["workspaceOrError","locationEntries",0,"locationOrLoadError","repositories",0,"pipelines",0,"runs"]

Locations: [{"line":77,"column":3}]
Hi Bianca. Can you share what version of Dagster you’re using as well as the version of SqlAlchemy? Also the version of MySQL you have would also be helpful.
SQLAlchemy: 1.3.15
Dagster: 0.14.5
MySQL: 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.2
Hi Bianca… it looks like the query we’re running is not supported until MySQL 8… I can roll out a fix in this week’s release
to use an alternate query for older versions of MySQL. Thanks for the report!
❤️ 1
@Dagster Bot issue bypass bucketed queries for mysql run storages for versions < 8
The fix for this was just rolled out with
. Let us know if you run into any more problems!