hi, how do i send an e-mail when some job fails?
# ask-community
hi, how do i send an e-mail when some job fails?
dagster bot responded by community 1
Hi @Ismael Rodrigues, a sensor would be the best way to implement that. Check the following example: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/partitions-schedules-sensors/sensors#job-failure-sensor
I've read, already, but I could not understand enough to put in code, guess what I really wanted was a .py example 😕
is this enough to do what I'm wanting? I did not understood this at first, because it does not have any kind of decorator, like @run_failure_sensor and it's not inside a function
Just make sure it’s being added to your repository. Check on Dagit if you have the sensor available after that 🙂
❤️ 1
Oh, then really it was just that piece of code all the time? lmao
Thanks @Roei Jacobovich cheers from Brazil
🎉 1