Hi, I would like to test out schedules in dagster,...
# ask-community
Hi, I would like to test out schedules in dagster, using sqlite and without using docker if possible, as my organization has not yet provided my permission for it. Here is my dagster.yaml file:
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  module: dagster.core.storage.schedules
  class: SqliteScheduleStorage
      base_dir: /u/path/schedules
I've managed to start the dagster-daemon service, and in another terminal I have run the following code:
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from dagster import job,op,ScheduleDefinition,repository,DefaultScheduleStatus

def existential_crisis(context):
    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>("Im in a 5 minute loop! aaaaaa")

def my_job():

my_running_schedule = ScheduleDefinition(
    job=my_job, cron_schedule="0 9 * * *", default_status=DefaultScheduleStatus.RUNNING

def hello_world_repo():
    return [my_job]
when I run this on dagit while setting the right dagster home variable too, the schedules tab simply says no schedules found. Is it possible at all to test schedules, given that I cannot work with docker, and would like to stick with sqlite only?
I’ve run schedules without docker, but it looks like you’re not including the schedule in your repo definition try
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def hello_world_repo():
    return [my_job, my_running_schedule]
dagster bot responded by community 1
That works, thanks! I think the docs do not mention including the schedule as a part of the repository
If you can find where that happens and flag it with the dagster team I’m sure they’d be eager to address that!
Hey! We do show an example of including a schedule in our repo docs: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/repositories-workspaces/repositories#defining-a-repository and also in our schedule troubleshooting guide.
My bad, apologies