I ran into this Error in Dagit today (graphql erro...
# ask-community
I ran into this Error in Dagit today (graphql error at top right) when I clicked on an asset group that was previously working well.
Copy code
Operation name: AssetGraphLiveQuery
Message: '99d02432-f456-4fd0-861e-f50721be6cd7'
Path: ["assetsLatestInfo"]
Locations: [{"line":7,"column":3}]
I got this right after trying to materialize an asset. After I clicked materialize I realized I needed to rerun some upstream assets first so I. 1. clicked the Runs link 2. clicked on the down arrow at the right for the job that was starting (via dagster-daemon. not sure if it was starting or still queueing) 3. terminated the job from the context menu. the job disappeared from the list of runs. when I returned to its asset_group, I got the error above also, all of the other assets in that asset_job do not show any latest info. I killed the dagit and dagster-daemon jobs and restarted but still get the same behavior edit: and I forgot to mention, the asset_group screen for this group is now blank so I can't see any of the assets or relaunch them (still looking for workarounds)
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@Ben Gotow @claire - any idea what's going on here?
sorry for the vague report. I refreshed the page and re-navigated to it a few times and it showed up again. I was able to rematerialize the asset. once it was rematerialized everything is back to normal so nothing is blocking me at the moment. I wish I had better repro steps than "try to materialize an asset and terminate it at just the right time".
Hi John. Can you confirm that your dagster/dagster-graphql/dagit packages are all on the same version? What version are you running?
The confusing error message here is likely a KeyError - it's indexing with that run ID in a dictionary somewhere in the resolver for assetsLatestInfo and not finding it
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Thanks @daniel this helps. I haven't been able to replicate this error but I think I know where we're indexing on a terminated run ID. Putting a fix out now
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@claire I just confirmed that the 3 packages are all on 0.15.0. glad that @danielā€™s comment seems to have helped you narrow down the underlying issue.
I saw that this fix got merged yesterday: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/8569
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