Hi all. It seems like we have some bug with dagste...
# ask-community
Hi all. It seems like we have some bug with dagster-databricks library version 0.15.0. In dagster version 0.15.0, I saw this changelog
The prior_attempts_count parameter is now removed from step-launching APIs.
But in dagster-databricks source code I still saw these line of code https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/python_modules/libraries/dagster-databricks/dagster_databricks/databricks_step_main.py#L94-L98 . And that lead to this error
Copy code
AttributeError: 'StepRunRef' object has no attribute 'prior_attempts_count'
🤖 1
Thanks for reporting this @tamolo. This seems like a serious bug. I filed an issue to track it: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/8576. We'll aim to fix it in next week's release.
thank you box 1