Can you not set the schema on the <dagster_snowfla...
# ask-community
Can you not set the schema on the dagster_snowflake.snowflake_io_manager?
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snowflake.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 002003 (02000): SQL compilation error:
Schema 'DEV.PUBLIC' does not exist or not authorized.
i was using an asset with a namespace. Now I have to use an op to get it to work. I’m building a graph and then doing graph -> job. the io_manager for snowflake doesn;t seem to allow changing the default schema I write too.
@op( out={ “ip_metadata”: Out( asset_key=AssetKey([“schema”,“table”]), metadata={“partition_expr”: “created_on”}, io_manager_key=“snowflake_io_manager”, ) } )
is my understanding correct that you'd like to avoid specifying the schema on each asset individually and instead specify it across all assets?
no, i need a different schema for some. I just hadn’t found the asset_key option yet.