For a graph-backed asset, are you able to see the ...
# ask-community
For a graph-backed asset, are you able to see the visual representation for the underlying graph in dagit?
Hi Dmitry, yes. There is a toggle button at the bottom labeled with "View as Asset Graph" and turning it off will show the underlying op/graph structure. You can then also toggle the "Explode graphs" to view all of the ops underlying a graph-backed asset:
Thanks. Just a piece of general feedback, dagit behaviour seems a little wonky in this release. For example, if I click on Materialise button for an asset that requires configuration, I get this window
If I click on Scaffold Missing Config, the subsequent dialogue appears under this popup panel and is inaccessible until after I close it
this doesn't happenevery time.
but fairly often
This is the dialogue that I don't see until after I close the previous window:
Got it. Thanks for reporting this bug, I'll file an issue
@Dagster Bot issue Multiple config modals display for graph-backed assets
cc @sean
also, if you're on the Asset Details page for a graph-backed asset, you can go to the "Definition" tab and click the link to the top right of the description to view the graph for that asset. e.g. where it says "combined_table (3 ops)" in this screenshot:
takes you here:
Just heads up Dmitry that this should be fixed in tmrw’s release
🙏 1