I'm dipping my toe in Software-Defined-Assets (it'...
# ask-community
I'm dipping my toe in Software-Defined-Assets (it's breaking my brain a bit but I finally have things up and running). However, I can't seem to figure out how to "Materialize All" in dagit. Here's what I'm trying: This is how I have to run it currently: 1. create: MyAssetJob= myAssetGroup.build_job(name="MyAssetJob") (this job uses resources and runconfig) 2. open dagit and click 'MyAssetJob' on the left. 3. click Launchpad and paste in my run_config yaml 4. Launch Run This works fine however, if instead I do a different step3: 3b. click Overview 4b. click Materialize All Expected: • the Launchpad (configure assets) screen should pop up so I can paste in my yaml config Observed: • for some of my asset jobs this seems to work. I'm still trying to figure out what makes them different • however, for other asset jobs, or for materializing downstream assets if the first one has materialized, I get a popup error:
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Error: MyAssetJob cannot be executed with the provided config. Please fix the following errors:
Then it shows the scaffold version of my config. so I feel like I'm missing some core concept. ideally if there is a problem with the config, it would at least pop up the Launchpad (configure asset) screen, but in the situation where I'm just trying to Materialize a selected downstream asset, I wish it would use the yaml config that I used for the upstream asset run config.
I solved part of my issue, I forgot to add the config_schema to the asset that wasn't letting me Materialize All. So adding that enables me to Materialize All from the Overview screen, but if I only materialize the most upstream asset, and try to selectively materialize downstream ones, I still get:
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Error: MyAssetJob cannot be executed with the provided config. Please fix the following errors: 
Missing required config entry "resources"
the downstream assets do not have any per op config, just normal context that includes a resource (which is included via the required_resource_keys={"myresource"} in the asset decorator. if I go to the upstream asset run and copy the config that I used for that run, then go back to the job overview screen and paste in the yaml into the Launchpad, and then try to selectively materialize the downstream asset, I get the same issue. my root issue, I think, is that I don't know how to pass in the config_schema for the downstream assets to be able to selectively materialize using the same config_schema as the upstream asset.
Hi John, just letting you know I’m looking into this for you and should be able to fix it for our next release if I determine what you’re experiencing is unintended (if not, prob at least our UI or docs need some tweaking). Would help (but not necessary) if you can provide a simplified example asset job that manifests this problem.
Thanks. I found a workaround but I made a note to take some time to create a simple reproduction example. I'll ping you here when I get it ready. thanks again