Is there any easy way to: 1. search for all partit...
# ask-community
Is there any easy way to: 1. search for all partitioned jobs with missing/failed partitions 2. launch a backfill for each of them with just those partitions I am planning to write a script leveraging the Graphql api, but if anyone has suggestions for how to do this, woudl love to hear
Hi Stephen… you’re looking for a way to do this programmatically, yes? Asking because I think you’re already aware of the experimental partitions view that you can enable in your dagit settings.
yes, programmatically! the new ui is great, but i'd still have to go through and click on each job
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I'm having a hard time figuring out the GraphQL for this missing/failed query -- basically, the info that is exposed here: I have been able to write a script to fetch recently failed runs, and launch a backfill to resubmit them. This works in a pinch, but it doesn't actually solve my problem, which is finding the missing/failed partitions from a partition set. Anyone know how to get the partition names via GraphQL?