Hi everyone, is this normal with so many `..dagste...
# ask-community
Hi everyone, is this normal with so many
..dagster api grpc..
? A bit of context here, on May 23rd, I deployed a new task in dagster and it made the CPU run higher (>80%) whenever that task is run - compared to the period before May 23rd where it's stable at 15%. I tried to revert back and it's now still >80%. Anyone experience this before? Thanks!
in addition to this, what is actually running in the background? I notice when I closed my dagit browser tab, my CPU usage decreased significantly. However, still wondering what's running in the background that causes CPU usage spiking
Hi, are these grpc servers that you're running yourself? By making dagster api grpc calls? Or are they grpc servers that dagit and the dagster daemon are creating for you?
hello @daniel, it's grpc servers that dagit and the dagster daemon are creating for us
also, I notice the daemon is suddenly off and we here have no idea why. Do you know what could be the issue?