I ran into an issue where I accidentally ran a job...
# ask-community
I ran into an issue where I accidentally ran a job where an assetmaterialization had an asset_key="". This results in the following error when running the job in dagit (edit: and navigating to the /instance/assets/ page)
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TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'NoneType'
  File "D:\dev\dagster\dagster\venv\lib\site-packages\dagster_graphql\implementation\utils.py", line 49, in _fn
    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "D:\dev\dagster\dagster\venv\lib\site-packages\dagster_graphql\implementation\fetch_assets.py", line 38, in get_assets
    materialized_keys = instance.get_asset_keys(
  File "D:\dev\dagster\dagster\venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\utils\__init__.py", line 616, in inner
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "D:\dev\dagster\dagster\venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\core\instance\__init__.py", line 1335, in get_asset_keys
    return self._event_storage.get_asset_keys(prefix=prefix, limit=limit, cursor=cursor)
  File "D:\dev\dagster\dagster\venv\lib\site-packages\dagster\core\storage\event_log\sql_event_log.py", line 833, in get_asset_keys
    asset_keys = [AssetKey.from_db_string(row[1]) for row in sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x[1])]
You can easily recreate this by running the materializations.py tutorial
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if you run it one time, going to results in the usual result where you can see the sorted_cereals_csv asset defined in the example. However, if you change asset_key="sorted_cereals_csv" to asset_key="" and then rerun the job, you get the error at the top of this post. the bummer is that if you fix the error and then re-run the job, going to still results in the error (presumably breaking on reading the asset with the blank key). I tried deleting the offending run but it didn't seem to affect the assets. and since I can't load up the assets page, I can't wipe the bad assets. also, I can go to the working job and still load up the properly labeled assets, but it's basically broken the repo for now. is there a way to fix this so my repo will work properly again? (i.e. load up the /assets/ page again).
🤖 1
Thanks for this report. We shouldn’t be allowing blank strings as asset keys, I’ll open up an issue for that. We also may be able to include a patch in this week’s release (going out tmrw) to allow reading the blank asset key and fix your broken repo. cc @sandy for any recommendations on how John can delete the reference to the invalid asset key so that his repo works without us needing to patch
@prha - what do you think?
I think the only way to do this at the moment is to manually delete the row from your event log DB
PR to disallow empty asset keys: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/8069
delete from asset_keys where asset_key is null;
@John Boyle just to confirm, were you able to delete the asset key and fix your repo using prha’s advice?
@sean hm, I tried and seem to be having issues. might be mysql 101 issues.
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select * from asset_keys where asset_key is null;
seems to find the null keys, when I run the delete command, it doesn't seem to find the null keys and nothing is deleted. I'm using python to do this
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select_result = [a for a in cur.execute('select * from asset_keys where asset_key is null;')]
delete_result = [a for a in cur.execute('delete from asset_keys where asset_key is null;')]

select_result looks correct. [(0, None, '{"__ class __" : "EventLogHistory ... ] delete_result = []
Hmm-- if you run the select again do you get the same? It’s possible that delete just doesn’t return anything (not an expert here).
doh, I got it working. I forgot to
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after doing that, then running again returns [] and [] for both queries
and dagit is happy again 🙂 thanks again for the help and follow-up
Great, thanks for your report, we merged a patch that prevents empty asset keys so this won’t happen to anyone else!