hello! how do I run pre-configured Great Expectati...
# ask-community
hello! how do I run pre-configured Great Expectation suites? the example here works on a CSV file but I want to run my expectations on SQL Server. I’m able to run the expectations via GE CLI but would like to use a sensor/schedule to run the same via Dagster. https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/great-expectations
any suggestions on this request? shall I raise a feature request for this? From the GE Dagster docs I’m unable to figure out if we can run expectations that connect to non-Pandas or non-Spark data sources.
Hi Sanidhya, Just letting you know I’m looking into this for you
Awesome! Thanks @sean!
Hi @sean, were you able to look into this?
Hi Sanidhya, the primary author of
(and our resident expert) no longer works here, so this is taking longer than anticipated to figure out-- sorry for the delay, but I don’t have an answer for you yet.
No problem @sean !