Hi team, just curious if there is a way to change ...
# ask-community
Hi team, just curious if there is a way to change the order of the partition dates in the dropdown field in LaunchPad. What does the order depend on as I am seeing that it is not deterministic (seeing different order for different jobs)? I want the latest date to come first
I believe if you click the AZ icon at the right of the Partition dropdown it will sort the dates in ascending/descending order. What version of dagster/dagit are you running? There may also be an ordering bug we should look into
Ah yes, I missed the sort option. I am on 0.14.5 version right now.
piggybacking off this - if i toggle to descending i'd love if dagster remembered and ordered descending the next time i open it
Also, the list alignment is slightly off making it hard to select a date. not sure if this was fixed in the recent versions
the alignment issue might be fixed in a newer version. i'm not 100% up to date on all the UI updates, but i'm pretty sure that bullet point and date misalignment was fixed a couple weeks ago. cc @dish for request to remember ordering
Correct, the alignment and rendering issues were fixed in a recent release.
Remembering the order seems doable, I’ll make a ticket for it
blob salute 2
https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/8104, will aim to get this in the next release.