Hi, I wonder what is the best way to do the follow...
# ask-community
Hi, I wonder what is the best way to do the following: I want to re-execute a pipeline from a certain op, given a certain parent ID - but change the configuration of the run. Going to "Open in Launchpad" doesn't preserve parent id, and re-executing from drop down menu doesn't allow me to change the configuration. I see that there is an API to do it (LaunchPipelineReexecution receives a configuration object), but am I missing a better way to it?
Hi David, I think the re-execution python API
is the best option at the moment. If you are using job instead of pipeline, you can pass the job through the
arg https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/pipeline#dagster.reexecute_pipeline
I see, thank you. That will be useful for use Any chance of supporting this through dagit in the future? The use case or changing config and rerunning part of the pipeline is very common for us - we frequently need to tweak some parameter, but don't want to rerun it all again. Seems super natural doing it in dagit
Yes, I believe so! Here’s a tracking issue for this https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/7474 Totally agreed that this would be pretty useful and is common in cases like incremental development. But meanwhile it’s tricky to define the right behavior so if you have any idea of what you’d expect it to be, please feel free to comment on that issue.