With my asset groups I mostly use configured resou...
# ask-community
With my asset groups I mostly use configured resource_defs
however this “default” config does not show up in launchpad or the run’s configuration info panel.
This syntax works except for the issue where I cannot see the configuration used. How can I use this more as intended or get the configs visible in dagit? There is no config field on AssetGroup or build_job and it should be on AssetGroup anyway.
Agreed the config display is a rough edge in general. cc @sandy wonder if asset treats this problem differently?
It should basically work the same with assets as it does with jobs
Assets are also just ops and my configured resource to work in execution fine. But is there a reason why it does not show up either in the new default config or can we fix this somehow by adding the config somewhere else. It is actually quite important for debugging to understand with what configs a job run was executed and it can change based on code updates, also its inconvenient having to go to the actual python code to work it out.
Thanks for the feedback! I’ve created a github discussion here to collect further feedback you may have - this is indeed something we’re thinking of improving!