Hi, is there a way to run all static partitions at...
# ask-community
Hi, is there a way to run all static partitions at the same time?
Hi Justin, a way I can think of is to create a schedule for static partitioned job and launch backfills for all partitions. for example:
Copy code
from dagster import job, op, static_partitioned_config

    "North America",
    "South America",

def continent_config(partition_key: str):
    return {"ops": {"continent_op": {"config": {"continent_name": partition_key}}}}

@op(config_schema={"continent_name": str})
def continent_op(context):

def continent_job():

from dagster import schedule

@schedule(cron_schedule="0 0 * * *", job=continent_job)
def continent_schedule():
    for c in CONTINENTS:
        request = continent_job.run_request_for_partition(partition_key=c, run_key=c)
        yield request

def my_repo():
    return [continent_schedule, continent_job]
Then, in Dagit UI, you can navigate to the “Partitions” tab and “Launch backfill” for all the partitions.
Thanks! This seems like the solution. 🙇