Hi all. Is there a way to limit concurrency across...
# ask-community
Hi all. Is there a way to limit concurrency across ops based on a tag? I've seen that the QueuedRunCoordinator has this for runs. Is there a built-in way to achieve this for all ops being run? Ideally this would work with k8s as that is the orchestration we are planning to use with dagster.
Hi Amadou! Would it work to set up celery queues to set up concurrency limits using op tags? You might find this useful: https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-celery-k8s#dagster_celery_k8s.celery_k8s_job_executor
Thank you for linking to that. If we were to use the celery queues where would the concurrency limits be configured? I don't see mention of that functionality.
The concurrency limits would be set by the number of workers and the concurrency options set per worker
(where worker is celery worker)
Okay I think I'm following. Below are a few follow up questions. Some of this might be that I need a deeper understanding of celery+dagster and I'm happy to go read more if you have resources that might fill in the gaps in my understanding. 1. Is there a way to specify what queue a task gets put on based on tags or other op metadata? 2. Is the celery worker deployment something we have to manage or is this a dagster config? 3. When a celery worker pulls a task and launches a k8s job, does it not pull another task until that job is done? I.e. will a worker pull task A and then launch job A and then pull task B and launch job B before job A is complete? Or will it pull task A and launch job A and then wait until job A is done before pulling task B?
Forgive me, I’m not as familiar with the specifics of the celery/dagster specifics either. I do know that some users are using it with some success. (cc @johann) Also, I think that this functionality might come directly to the k8s executor soon. See https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/6580
No worries. Thanks for sharing that issue. It is slightly different from this use case as it is a limitation across all spawned k8s jobs but is also something I am interested in! The Per-Op limits in Kubernetes doc has good information on the above questions 1. You can specify the queue by using the
tag. doc 2. It looks like the celery workers can be configured with the rest of dagster via a helm chart 3. Based on the content in the deployment architecture I believe the celery task launches the k8s job and waits for it to complete but I am still uncertain on that. It would be helpful to get confirmation on this if anyone knows.
dagsir 1
I believe the celery task launches the k8s job and waits for it to complete
that’s correct
Fantastic. Thank you for the help Johann and Phil!