is there an example somewhere of pointing the pyth...
# ask-community
is there an example somewhere of pointing the python DagsterGraphQLClient to a remote dagster instance (i.e. Dagster cloud)? It's unclear to me how I would provide authentication
Yeah, here's how it works on cloud (the syntax is a bit clunky, planning to smooth it out):
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from dagster_graphql import DagsterGraphQLClient
from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport
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url = ""
token = "your_token_here" # a User Token generated from the Cloud Settings page in Dagster Cloud. Note: User Token, not Agent Token
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client = DagsterGraphQLClient(url, transport=RequestsHTTPTransport(url=url="/graphql", headers={"Dagster-Cloud-Api-Token": token}))
ty thankyou 1
awesome, thanks so much!
@Dagster Bot discussion Using the Python DagsterGraphQLClient against a Dagster Cloud instance
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