Have an op providing 2 outputs both of which are d...
# ask-community
Have an op providing 2 outputs both of which are dataframes. I am using these outputs in further ops. If i only define 1 output it works - but gives me the following error when 2 are used: _In @job segway_am, received a tuple of multiple outputs for input "files" (at position 0) in op invocation segment_profile_queries. Must pass individual output, available from tuple: ('files', 'lookupdf')_ Here is my code: @op(out={"files": Out(), "lookupdf": Out()}) def get_pyqb_data(): return files, lookupdf @op() def segment_profile_queries(files): @job() def segway_am(): segment_profile_queries(get_pyqb_data()) Any idea?
I think you would need to change to the following:
Copy code
def segway_am():
    files, lookupdf = get_pyqb_data()
Bingo - sorry - I have seen that you all have answer this a million times on slack. Again thanks for your assistance!!!
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