Hi! I recently was trying out the "op_selection" ...
# ask-community
Hi! I recently was trying out the "op_selection" functionality and was doing a bit of testing in launchpad. I had a couple of graph issues so when I did this particular selection it was returning some errors. I have since moved on to other things but the launchpad still pulls up the sub selection and refuses to persist my previous run config that I had in here. I have since run 3 - 4 runs from launchpad and it keeps defaulting back to this view. I probably could clear the browser cache and it would fix this but thought I'd give y'all a heads up. Not sure if this is a known bug... Quick Edit: Just tried clearing cache and no dice... any thoughts? When I go to a run and click "Open in launchpad" it still shows this messed up config
Hi Austin - what are you doing to clear your browser cache? I'm struggling to think of how it could be persisting after the cache is gone since i'm nearly certain we don't persist it on the server anywhere. If you open a new tab in the launchpad (That +Add... button in your screenshot) is it still there then?
Is this in dagster open source or cloud?
we'll look into that InvalidDefinitionError, that looks like a bug on our side
sorry about that I wasn't keeping an eye on slack!
This is on dagster cloud! To clear the browser cache I just went to settings -> tools -> clear browser cache in Chrome. hitting +add button did remove it so it did not persist across that, but when I go away from launch pad and go back the bad config is there again..
got it - so it's not so much that the locally stored config is bad, as that the default config that dagit is supplying is bad?
Er maybe i misidentified the problem here - the issue is the error that pops up when you do that op selection? Not so much the config in the launchpad?
The default configuration that pops up for that graph in dagster cloud in launch pad is the messed up one with the op selection already populated. No matter what I do (clear cache, add a new tab, open in launchpad from a successful run) any time I go back to launchpad for that graph what I showed in my initial post is there
hopefully that makes a bit more sense? sorry for the lack of clarity!