I have 3 jobs: 1. Load data to s3 2. move data fr...
# ask-community
I have 3 jobs: 1. Load data to s3 2. move data from s3 to snowflake 3. build dbt models Jobs 1,2 rely on partition dates to run. dbt cannot rely on a partition_date directly. How can I pass the date from job 2 to dbt? Can I role them all into the same job?
daggy success 1
im curious what dbt uses the partition date for?
my first thought was using a sensor that listens for Job 2, and yields a
for Job 3 that has the partition_date in the config somewhere relevant
I'm using it as a runtime vars to build incremental models one day at a time
👍 1
yeah, looks like you could pass the run_config into the job config with runrequests if you were okay using a sensor to trigger it: https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/schedules-sensors#run-requests
fwiw, i've been using this sensor-trigger pattern for the past couple weeks and it works quite well.
Do you know of examples where assets are used?
Generally, seems like the same concept regardless
no, not aware of any specific examples