How do I pass my aws_key and aws_secret to a resou...
# ask-community
How do I pass my aws_key and aws_secret to a resource? I wish that was documented...
I found this a bit unintuitive also but they basically just have to be available to the environment where it runs a la boto3. You could alternatively define a config schema for your resource that defined them so that they could be provided at runtime instead
Yeah, now that I understand that I think it makes a bit more sense
Now I just need to connect to snowflake lol
Yeah that we don't use sorry so can't help
I assume every warehouse is similar though.
My stack is DBT, snowflake, Python for EL and dagster
I mean yeah they probably are actually
Yeah we're a little more...diverse mainly for historical reasons but bringing all our ETL stuff into workloads run/controlled by dagster now
Got quite a long way with airflow before running into some sharp edgers that made it uncomfortable
Same here, I personally wasn't loving airflow hence the pivot to dagster
Yeah same. Once I got my head around a few things I found it much more ergonomic to develop against
@Dagster Bot discussion Pass aws_key and aws_secret to a resource
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