Hi I wanted to ask if a pipeline run on a dagster ...
# ask-community
Hi I wanted to ask if a pipeline run on a dagster deployment to Kubernetes can be triggered via an API call. Also if we can take up the config from a location in S3? If yes to both, what functions / classes are relevant and how to use them? I am using version 0.12.15
Yes to both - checkout our docs on using the GraphQL API: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/dagit/graphql#launch-a-run
Thanks @rex I have a follow up question. Are there endpoints available to: 1. Create a new schedule? 2. Turn on OR Start an existing schedule? According to my investigation, I could only see (2) aka turning on OR starting a new schedule. Could you confirm?
(2) is available by default through the graphql API as you pointed out. (1) is a bit tricky. We need a representation of the underlying schedule in code in order to surface one in the UI. You would need your schedule generation backed by your own external database. This way, to create a new schedule, you could create a new entry in your fb (e.g a cron schedule) and then just reload the repository to see the new schedule.