Dagit is showing materializations for the last 26 ...
# ask-community
Dagit is showing materializations for the last 26 partitions (in the assets overview). How can I get longer stats in the dashboard or select the desired partitions?
Hi geoHeil. Dagit should be displaying the materializations for the last 120 partitions in the asset view page, would you mind screenshotting if you are only able to view 26? (you can dm if you prefer)
We don't currently support selecting desired partitions, but we do hope to implement pagination to view materializations across more partitions. cc @Ben Gotow
pagination/selection would be awesome
Gotcha yeah, this is a current known limitation in Dagit. We're hoping to improve this though and add pagination. Search/filter/selection would also be very nice to have
http://localhost:3000/instance/assets/bar_asset?time= only showcases the actual materializations though.